Experience the wisdom and power of the Great White Whales to disable the Corona Virus and give YOU a PERSONAL HEALING and create a SHIELD OF LIGHT & IMMUNITY
The Whales have the ability to assist Humanity with core level healing, and they are here offering a specific Energy Light Medicine Transformational Healing Alignment.
The Corona Virus is here, and the fear of contracting this disease has gone around the world very quickly. The Great Whales have shared that they would like to offer a Healing and Alignment session for everyone that is interested in creating a Shield of Light and Immunity to the Corona Virus. They can also heal those of you that have contracted the virus and move you into a higher vibrational place, where the virus is disabled and non-functional.

“Hello Beloved Ones,
We are the Great Whales. We are Cosmic Beings that have answered the call to come to this Galaxy and to this beautiful blue green planet in service to humanity.
We are the most ancient and spiritually advanced Souls on this planet.
Because of your open heart and intention, it is time for us to connect now to each of you, heart to heart.
During this healing session you may experience an accelerated change or shift, and an expansion.
The vibration of the Corona virus, disease and fear have caused contraction in your body and a pulling back from your true self.
Today we return each of you to a place of expansion where the patterns, rhythms, and your purpose return to a state of perfection where everyone thrives.
It is our intention to help you create a deeper connection to your Soul. We see each of you as an eternal, immortal Being of Light that have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth as human.
As we connect, we see you, and we will help you move now into a deeper state of consciousness.
Allow yourself to surrender the mind and deeply relax. All is designed to help you raise your vibration and come into a blissful state of Being, willing to receive through the multi-dimensional vibration of great Love.
Please know Beloved Ones, that the Corona virus that is upon your planet now, was made by men in a laboratory.
It does NOT belong to the earth, as most viruses and bacteria do. It was not created through natural means. It has no previous history here, so therefore you as human have no natural immunity.
Experience the wisdom and power of the Great White Whales to disable the Corona Virus and give YOU a PERSONAL HEALING and create a SHIELD OF LIGHT & IMMUNITY
The Whales have the ability to assist Humanity with core level healing, and they are here offering a specific Energy Light Medicine Transformational Healing Alignment.
The Corona Virus is here, and the fear of contracting this disease has gone around the world very quickly. The Great Whales have shared that they would like to offer a Healing and Alignment session for everyone that is interested in creating a Shield of Light and Immunity to the Corona Virus. They can also heal those of you that have contracted the virus and move you into a higher vibrational place, where the virus is disabled and non-functional.

“Hello Beloved Ones,
We are the Great Whales. We are Cosmic Beings that have answered the call to come to this Galaxy and to this beautiful blue green planet in service to humanity.
We are the most ancient and spiritually advanced Souls on this planet.
Because of your open heart and intention, it is time for us to connect now to each of you, heart to heart.
During this healing session you may experience an accelerated change or shift, and an expansion.
The vibration of the Corona virus, disease and fear have caused contraction in your body and a pulling back from your true self.
Today we return each of you to a place of expansion where the patterns, rhythms, and your purpose return to a state of perfection where everyone thrives.
It is our intention to help you create a deeper connection to your Soul. We see each of you as an eternal, immortal Being of Light that have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth as human.
As we connect, we see you, and we will help you move now into a deeper state of consciousness.
Allow yourself to surrender the mind and deeply relax. All is designed to help you raise your vibration and come into a blissful state of Being, willing to receive through the multi-dimensional vibration of great Love.
Please know Beloved Ones, that the Corona virus that is upon your planet now, was made by men in a laboratory.
It does NOT belong to the earth, as most viruses and bacteria do. It was not created through natural means. It has no previous history here, so therefore you as human have no natural immunity.
So, we are gathered here today because we the Whales, have been given permission by Source, by Prime Creator to disable the Corona Virus and bring a new vibration to every human that does not wish to carry it in their body.
We have the experience and the ability to do this when the human involved gives permission for this shift.
We are the Ancients, and we are the stewards for planet earth. We have existed here for many millennia, and we respond when we are summoned by Source to bring vast amounts of loving Solution Energy to humanity.
A new human being, a new reality and a new Earth is forming as humanity is encouraged connect to the truth that lives within your Soul and in your Human Heart.
Beloveds, as you awaken to the truth of WHO YOU REALLY ARE, you are also remembering the Ancients on our planet, who are the Great Whales.”
The Whales have shared that the entire healing and transformational experience can happen in about 90 minutes. The Whales are multi-dimensional Beings that work at the quantum level.
Once they are given permission from the Human, they coordinate with your Soul. They have the ability to work with our human DNA, accessing oscillating photonic Source Light for our healing alignments.
A PowerPoint will be shown, followed by an infusion of Light Meditation.
The process lasts about 90mn. The whole recording will be sent to you.
So, we are gathered here today because we the Whales, have been given permission by Source, by Prime Creator to disable the Corona Virus and bring a new vibration to every human that does not wish to carry it in their body.
We have the experience and the ability to do this when the human involved gives permission for this shift.
We are the Ancients, and we are the stewards for planet earth. We have existed here for many millennia, and we respond when we are summoned by Source to bring vast amounts of loving Solution Energy to humanity.
A new human being, a new reality and a new Earth is forming as humanity is encouraged connect to the truth that lives within your Soul and in your Human Heart.
Beloveds, as you awaken to the truth of WHO YOU REALLY ARE, you are also remembering the Ancients on our planet, who are the Great Whales.”
The Whales have shared that the entire healing and transformational experience can happen in about 90 minutes. The Whales are multi-dimensional Beings that work at the quantum level.
Once they are given permission from the Human, they coordinate with your Soul. They have the ability to work with our human DNA, accessing oscillating photonic Source Light for our healing alignments.
A PowerPoint will be shown, followed by an infusion of Light Meditation.
The process lasts about 90mn. The whole recording will be sent to you.